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Feel free to know more on this matter as world of Tech never ends.

World of full of connection

Communication cannot be enough just by verbal and body gesture, now, it also in digital world where people comunicate around the globe without border and limitation

Iphone and apple tech in communication world

Apple are well known around the world because of its communication tools such as Iphone, Macbook and etc. created and founded by Steve Job himself to create such tools and tech that impress the world.

Facebook as a Social Networking

Facebook, well known social network, also operate as communication tools as a website to connect people around the globe, as all know, who doesnt have a facebook account.!

Google Website for searching

Google, best known search engine, it play it parts well in connecting the web world together, enhancing the search by possibility and recognation towards words and structured.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Using the Internet : Net Competency

Netiquette and Security

What is netiquette?
  • Netiquette = net + etiquette
  • Etiquette guidelines for posting messages to online services 
  • Set of social conventions that facilitate interaction over: 
* ranging from Usenet 
* Mailing lists to blog and forum
  • Netiquette or net etiquette refers to etiquette on the Internet:
* follow certain standard 
*common sense and courtesy 
* must know there is human being at the end of the telephone line when using Internet
* respect others privacy and not doing anything online that will annoy or frustrate other people 
  • there are three areas where good netiquette is highly stressed are 


  • The term netiquette is commonly used in reference to popular forms of 
 online communication 


What is netiquette guidelines?

  • Criticism - it is hard to interpret people's mind over Internet because sometimes people meant to say     otherwise 
  • Pay attention to language issues 
* improper, inappropriate or bad language may get a participant kicked out the permanently banned from a forum or group

* It is important to note, what is posted online today , may come back and haunt the writer tomorrow

avoid humour

* Some people might not understand the jokes at all. Instead, use the emoticons

:) = happy
: ( = sad 
:p = cheeky 
:-o = surprised
  • Reply quickly 
* people will expect to receive a reply within a day
  • Multiple recipients 
* make sure you do not send secret emails to a group of recipients 
* you would probably send them to the people that you do not want them to know the contents of the emails
  • Keep personal information private 
* posting private and personal information in the wrong location can have serious consequences
  • Obey copyright laws

don't steal!  
  • Be aware of cyber bullying

* parents should talk honestly and openly to children about the issues of electronic bullying
* studies suggest most children do NOT tell  a trusted adult if they are victim of electronic bullying 
* if targeted by a cyber bully, do NOT RESPOND

Password Management
> DO NOT use your login name
> DO NOT use your first, middle or last name
> DO NOT use other information easily obtained : birth date, plate numbers, telephone numbers
> DO NOT use a password of all digits or all the same letter
> DO NOT use a password shorter than six characters
> DO use a password with mixed-case alphabetics
> DO use a password with non-alphabetics

Other rules
.  Respect other participants
Respect people's time and bandwidth
Only post relevant items
Be forgiving
Represent yourself well
Be brief, precise, and clear
.  Be quick, and don't monopolize the chat

>Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically related to the Internet, often involving browser security but also network security on a more general level as it applies to other applications or operating systems on a whole.
> Its objective is to establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet.
>The Internet represents an insecure channel for exchanging information leading to a high risk of intrusion or fraud, such as phishing.
>Different methods have been used to protect the transfer of data, including encryption.

Types of internet security threats
  • Computer virus
  • Computer worm
  • Trojan
  • Spyware
  • Malware
  • Junk mail

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Introduction to an Online Tertiary Sector

What is e-Learning and its scope?
e-Learning is a new tool which has the potential to enhance and support the traditional learning system and already it is became an integral part of the learning tools used by every education organizational.

e-Learning is not equal to distance learning.
Distance learning is equal to physical separation of the student with the instructor and classroom. e-Learning can be part of the classroom environment. e-Learning is commonly referred to the intentional use of the networked information and communications technology in teaching and learning. A number of other terms are also used to describe this mode of teaching and learning. They include:
  • online learning
  • virtual learning 
  • distributed learning 
  • network and web-sites learning 
They are referred to educational process that utilize information and communications technology to mediate asynchronous as well as synchronous learning and teaching activities. It also referred to slightly educational processes as such they cannot be used synonymously with the term e-Learning. It comprises a lot more than the four mode of teaching and learning.
(e = electronic)

e-Learning in Malaysia
* It have been introduced into public universities since 1996
* The 1990s were period of considerable economic and educational change in Malaysia
* 1990s = Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mahathir bin Mohammad introduced the vision 2020
* 1996 = establishment of the Multimedia Super Corridor and the privation of tertiary education 

Vision 2020 by Mahathir Mohammad