Monday, 26 March 2012

Using the Internet : Net Competency

Netiquette and Security

What is netiquette?
  • Netiquette = net + etiquette
  • Etiquette guidelines for posting messages to online services 
  • Set of social conventions that facilitate interaction over: 
* ranging from Usenet 
* Mailing lists to blog and forum
  • Netiquette or net etiquette refers to etiquette on the Internet:
* follow certain standard 
*common sense and courtesy 
* must know there is human being at the end of the telephone line when using Internet
* respect others privacy and not doing anything online that will annoy or frustrate other people 
  • there are three areas where good netiquette is highly stressed are 


  • The term netiquette is commonly used in reference to popular forms of 
 online communication 


What is netiquette guidelines?

  • Criticism - it is hard to interpret people's mind over Internet because sometimes people meant to say     otherwise 
  • Pay attention to language issues 
* improper, inappropriate or bad language may get a participant kicked out the permanently banned from a forum or group

* It is important to note, what is posted online today , may come back and haunt the writer tomorrow

avoid humour

* Some people might not understand the jokes at all. Instead, use the emoticons

:) = happy
: ( = sad 
:p = cheeky 
:-o = surprised
  • Reply quickly 
* people will expect to receive a reply within a day
  • Multiple recipients 
* make sure you do not send secret emails to a group of recipients 
* you would probably send them to the people that you do not want them to know the contents of the emails
  • Keep personal information private 
* posting private and personal information in the wrong location can have serious consequences
  • Obey copyright laws

don't steal!  
  • Be aware of cyber bullying

* parents should talk honestly and openly to children about the issues of electronic bullying
* studies suggest most children do NOT tell  a trusted adult if they are victim of electronic bullying 
* if targeted by a cyber bully, do NOT RESPOND

Password Management
> DO NOT use your login name
> DO NOT use your first, middle or last name
> DO NOT use other information easily obtained : birth date, plate numbers, telephone numbers
> DO NOT use a password of all digits or all the same letter
> DO NOT use a password shorter than six characters
> DO use a password with mixed-case alphabetics
> DO use a password with non-alphabetics

Other rules
.  Respect other participants
Respect people's time and bandwidth
Only post relevant items
Be forgiving
Represent yourself well
Be brief, precise, and clear
.  Be quick, and don't monopolize the chat

>Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically related to the Internet, often involving browser security but also network security on a more general level as it applies to other applications or operating systems on a whole.
> Its objective is to establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet.
>The Internet represents an insecure channel for exchanging information leading to a high risk of intrusion or fraud, such as phishing.
>Different methods have been used to protect the transfer of data, including encryption.

Types of internet security threats
  • Computer virus
  • Computer worm
  • Trojan
  • Spyware
  • Malware
  • Junk mail

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